GeoCraft co.

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Coming up with a business idea and creating it tends to be pretty difficult and time-consuming. If it wasn’t so many people would have their own. In January of 2024, I was lucky enough to take a course called Web Design which gave me the chance to create my own microenterprise. During this time, I was guided through all the steps it takes to accomplish this goal. You begin with brainstorming, then move on to designing/creating your product, and finally, you build your website. Now obviously there are way more steps involved but that’s not what this blog post is going to be about. In this post, I’m going to go over what two things inspired me to create Geocraft Co.  

My first inspiration for my company was my mom. When I first moved away from home at 18 years old it was a hard adjustment. For starters, I chose a school over 1,000 miles away and second COVID was going on, so I wasn’t able to go and visit. My mom knew this and decided to do something special for me, so I always had a piece of home with me. She did this by getting custom-made things for me that included my hometown/state.  Some of these things included posters, wooden signs, and bracelets, that I would be able to keep with me in my dorm room. This action inspired me to create a company that provides home decor that holds sentimental value. 

My second inspiration for my company came from my love of travel and exploration. Every country or state I’ve traveled too holds a bunch of new memories I have created. Once home these memories kind of get lost when I go back to reality. Also, the souvenirs I get from these trips are usually a shirt or something that I’ll forget about over time. But that’s not the case with Geocraft Co. My company has helped me solve this problem. It took my love to travel and inspired me to create a company that makes these memories become tangible.  

These two inspirations are the reason why I chose to create Geocraft Co. Home decor should be more than something that just makes your house look pretty. Our designs let our customers have décor that holds sentimental value. When ordering I hope you are able to create a pack of coasters that hold some of the best memories you’ve had just like I was able to. If you’re not able to find a country, state, or town that you want in our shop reach out and we will be happy to customize one for you. To learn more about how to create laser-cut coasters or about myself go to the blog section of the website.

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